T minus 2 days (or have I started?)
Today I had a Zoom with Päivi from LV21 to talk about the logistics of how this residency might work. As the month progresses it may be more appropriate to visit and meet with more people outside, one on one. We are also gathering a sense of all the virtual or long distance possibilities there might be. Päivi is going to try to retain the element of surprise, to create room for the unexpected by giving me challenges rather than us agreeing a schedule. I can’t wait. I also attend GAS – Gravesham Arts Salon. On a Zoom hosted by Mandy Hare, a culture manager for Gravesham Council, who in more usual times I think can be found at the Woodville Theatre (currently a vaccination centre). GAS is a gathering of artists and producers , representing themselves and organisations, saying hello and sharing what they are planning. There were people who would consider themselves professional artists and people who wouldn’t. I often feel uncomfortable with the term professional. It rarely re...