A flotsam and Jetsam sort of day - Day 6

  • I joined lots of Facebook groups for the communities of Gravesham and spent some time reading posts and introducing myself and having follow up message chats.
  • I read some parish newsletters, and discovered the Meopham super neighbours
  • I set up some conversations with different people in Gravesham
  • I spent some time on Google Earth looking at the Borough and looking for maps 
  • I read about a helmswoman of Gravesend RNLI and other women working for frontline and emergency services locally.
  • I’ve enjoyed looking around Duncan Grants blog - some wonderful artworks and real generosity in profiling other artists work
  • I watched We Are Gravesham, celebrating the volunteering and community work that happened during the first lockdown. It says a lot to me about pride, and an expansive sort of pride.

  • I explored the Harvel Hash House Harriers website – a drinking club with a running problem… 
  • And went back to the Rosherville Gardens Facebook page, so much pride and delight and shared history. I’d dearly love a walk with some of these curious people showing me around.
  • I enjoyed exploring Genny Jones, Confident Queen Facebook page and website and really hope we can speak. I feel like she has enough energy to power Gravesham.


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