…. . .-.. .-.. --- ..-. .-. --- -- --- …- . .-. …. . .-. .

We’re still here – in our flats, houses, boats. Waiting. There’s a little more ease, we can go more places. I’m still very cautious as I have family who are very high risk if they contract Covid-19 and I want to have contact with them. So I’m choosing to stay at home, and avoiding places where people gather indoors. I’m very appreciative of our local parks and I’m growing some lettuce in a window box.

When will I get to Gravesham? Maybe the Autumn? Will it be useful and kind to visit then? That’s what feels most important to me right now, to be useful and kind.


In the meantime I’ve been chatting to Päivi at LV21 about how to start, in a small way, meeting Gravesham and the people who live there. I also want to contribute, in anyway that I can – to ease the experience of this time, help people feel joy and process all the things that are happening.


We’ve been talking a lot about communicating over distance – and what that means. I’m interested in exploring non-digital ways of connecting. I’m a bit ‘Zoom-ed’ out, I’m also very aware that lots of people can’t access online video chats for a whole host of reasons.  I’m inspired by the traditional nautical methods – signal flags, semaphore and morse code.


I’ve designed a simple flag activity to go in a pack of creative challenges for LV21s 'Think Up' project. The packs will go out to children through local primary schools. Inspired by a ships signal flags and Tibetan prayer flags it’s an invitation to think about what you want to keep from this time, spell it out with signal flags and then hang them in your window. To let the breeze blow the good things from this time across your community. I make some small flags spelling ‘neighbour’, I feel like I’ve become a better neighbour during this time, and I’m enjoying it.


You can make some signal flags if you’d like – here’s my suggestion of how to make them – if you do please share your flags with @LightVessel21


There's a video guide from me, and some other brilliant creative activities from other artists here (just scroll down the page a bit)

I’ve also got the first Gravesham penpal – we’ll exchange a couple of letters as a way of getting to know each other, and of me getting to know Gravesham. I’m excited, I love getting letters. I used to have penpals when I was at school – we’d decorate the envelopes with stickers. I wonder if I should do that this time?


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